Containing figures from one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, this Toob includes a parrot fish, angel fish, blue tang, octopus, starfish, seahorse, coral, cowry shell, clown anemone fish, and for added flair a scuba diver and treasure chest!
Often referred to as the rain forests of the sea, coral reefs are some of the more varied and impressive ecosystems on planet Earth. Although they account for only .1% of ocean surfaces worldwide, they're home to a staggering amount of different marine species.
Characteristics: A perfect tool for learning about all the wondrous creatures that inhabit coral reefs, the expertly painted figurines in this Toob are not only educational and scientifically accurate, they're fun too!
Size: 1.5" long, 1.5" wide, and 12.8" tall, this Toob is a bit larger than the size of a standard American ruler and contains 11 different coral reef related models that range from 1.25" to 3.75" tall.
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