The Primates are an order of mammals that includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans! Primates have large brains compared to other mammals, and unlike most other mammals they rely primarily on vision instead of their sense of smell. Many primates feature opposable thumbs to help them grasp things and all but the apes have tails. History: Primates are among the most intelligent mammals, featuring a larger brain size relative to their body size than most other mammals. The more primitive primates include the lemurs and tarsiers, while the more advanced primates, called simians, include monkeys, apes, and even humans.
Characteristics: The primates in this TOOB span from lemurs to monkeys to apes. It includes ten pieces: The Indri, a Japanese Macaque, a Howler Monkey, a Common Marmoset, a Red-handed Tamarin, an Emperor Tamarin, a Proboscis Monkey, a Bonobo, and two Gibbons.
Size: 1½" long, 1½" wide, and 13" tall, this TOOB is a little larger than the size of a standard American ruler.