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Shashibo Battle Shapes
Shashibo Battle Shapes
Shashibo Battle Shapes
Shashibo Battle Shapes
Shashibo Battle Shapes
Shashibo Battle Shapes

Shashibo Battle Shapes

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Finally a game for all of you Shashibologists!

Shashibo Battle Shapes is a puzzle game by Fun in Motion Toys with magnetizing twists and turns. It's a battle of brains & dexterity to see who can create the most Shashibo shapes! This is a game you play by yourself or with a friend!

Who can complete the shape first and fastest?

Ring the bell when you win!

What’s inside the box?

1.Puzzle game box

2.Two Limited-edition Shashibo cubes

3.Sand timer
4.Decision coin
5.Deck of cards featuring different Shashibo Shapes (each displaying a point system for easy, moderate, or difficult shapes).

Each shape card features a QR code linked to a video. Learn how to make the shape and become a Shashibo Master!